
  • 住院心脏病科主任
  • 医学副教授


动脉瘤,心绞痛,主动脉瘤,动脉 闭塞的疾病, 动脉粥样硬化, 动脉粥样硬化成像, 心脏疾病, 心脏成像, 心脏病学, 心脏病学咨询, 心血管计算机断层扫描, 心血管病, 女性心血管疾病, 心血管疾病与慢性肾脏疾病, 心血管药物, 心血管风险分层, 心血管外科, 临床心脏病学, 临床Lipidology, 冠状动脉疾病, 冠状动脉CT血管造影, CT血管造影术, 糖尿病和心脏Research, 血脂异常, 超声心动图, 一般的心脏病, 心脏病, 心脏病, 心脏衰竭, 高血压(Hypertension), 高胆固醇, 遗传性心脏病, 间歇性跛行, 二尖瓣狭窄, 心肌梗死, 非侵入性成像, 过早冠状动脉疾病, 预防心脏病学, 风险因素修正, 中风, 亚临床动脉粥样硬化, 心脏瓣膜病 ...阅读更多


预防和普通心脏病学,血脂和 脂蛋白代谢, 风险预测, 动脉粥样硬化成像; Pharmacologic Agents to Improve Outcome of PTCA and Stenting ...阅读更多






马里兰以外 & 华盛顿D.C.





约翰·霍普金斯门诊中心(现称小李维·沃特金斯., M.D.(门诊中心)

预约电话: 443-997-0270
601 N. 卡洛琳圣.
巴尔的摩,马里兰州21287 map
电话:410-502-0469 |传真:410-367-2224


预约电话: 443-997-0270
600 N. 沃尔夫街
巴尔的摩,马里兰州21287 map


Dr. Steven R. Jones is director of Inpatient 心脏病学 at the 约翰霍普金斯大学心脏和血管Research所, and assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University 医学院. He earned his medical degree at Hahnemann University 医学院 in Philadelphia and completed both his residency training in Internal 医学 and his fellowship in 心脏病学 at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Jones is a fellow of the 美国心脏病学会 and 全国脂质协会.

在他的临床工作中. 琼斯专注于改善血脂(e.g., cholesterol) management and reducing the risk of heart disease. His research interests include developing a large-scale lipids database using real-world data to understand more about lipid disorders. Dr. 琼斯的团队工作效率很高, producing numerous publications in high-ranking medical journals such as 循环, 美国心脏病学会杂志美国医学会杂志, and have been invited to several international lectures and meetings to share their findings.

作为一名教师. Jones is dedicated to developing the next generation of leaders in cardiology by combining Johns Hopkins’ deep research environment with a strong clinical training program for residents, Research员和医科学生. Dr. Jones is also a Faculty member of the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of 心脏病 和 Longscope Firm, 奥斯勒医务处.   He is making great strides in shaping the field of cardiology at the Heart & Vascular Institute by providing a breadth of educational opportunities in lipids research.



  • 住院心脏病科主任
  • 医学副教授


中心 & Research院


  • MD; Hahnemann University 医学院 (1985)


  • 医学; Johns Hopkins University 医学院 (1988)


  • 心脏病学; Johns Hopkins University 医学院 (1991)


  • American Board of Internal 医学 (Internal 医学) (1989)

Research & 出版物


老琼斯, Mallidi JR, Kulkarni K. Achieving Secondary Prevention Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle Concentration Goals Using Lipoprotein Cholesterol-Based Data: Results of a Pilot Study. Abstract P145; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2010.

老琼斯,Kulkarni K. Lipoprotein(a) Particle Concentration and Lipoprotein(a) Cholesterol Assays Yield Discordant Classification of Patients, 定义4个生理离散群. Abstract P352; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2010.

老琼斯,Kulkarni K. Evidence of Dependence of Lipoprotein(a) on Triglyceride and HDL Metabolism. Abstract P352; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2010.

老琼斯,Kulkarni基米-雷克南和Mallidi JR. Non-HDL Particle Concentration by NMR Spectroscopy Compared with Apolipoprotein B100 and Lipoprotein Cholesterol Fractions: Why Lipoprotein Particle Concentration Appears to Outperform Conventional Lipid and Apolipoprotein Measures. Abstract P329; Arteriosclerosis, Thombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2009. Arteriosclerosis, Thombosis and Vascular Biology 2009; 29: e71-e72.

老琼斯和Kulkarni基米-雷克南. Pattern of Serum Lipid and Lipoprotein Concentration Relationships with Lipoprotein(a) Particle Cholesterol Content Versus Low Density Lipoprotein Particle Cholesterol Content Suggest Differing Mechanisms of Metabolism of the Two Lipoprotein Classes Despite Shared LDL Moiety. Abstract P531; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2008. Arteriosclerosis, Thombosis and Vascular Biology 2008; 28: e129-e130, .

老琼斯, 女子香港, Kulkarni基米-雷克南:超离心的使用
Lipid Measurement and Modeling of Low Density Lipoprotein Particle Concentration to Optimize Management of LDL Mediated Risk. 糖尿病血管. 2007; 4: 265-66, Abstract. 2007年世界胰岛素抵抗综合征大会.

Kulkarni基米-雷克南, 女子香港, 摩尔L, 老琼斯: A Novel Approach to Measure Apolipoprotein B / Apolipoprotein A1 Ratio Using the Vertical Auto Profile Method.
糖尿病血管. 2007; 4: 266. 2007年世界胰岛素抵抗综合征大会.

De Tombe PP; 老琼斯; Burkhoff D; Hunter WC; Kass DA: Ventricular stroke work and efficiency both remain nearly optimal despite altered vascular loading. J是心脏物理吗. 1993; 264: 1817-1824

老琼斯, Herskowitz一, Hutchin通用, Baughaman KL: Effects of immunosuppressive therapy in biopsy-proven myocarditis and borderline myocarditis on left ventricular function. Am J Cardiol, 1991; 68: 370 376

老琼斯, 坟墓P, Burkhoff D, Kass DA: Optimization of total ventricular efficiency studied in isolated canine hearts. 循环, 1990; 82(III): 2761

老琼斯, Herskowitz一, 哈钦斯通用, Baughman KL: Response in immunosuppressive therapy in myocarditis with and without myocyte necrosis. 循环 1987; 76(II): 1835

Ewing D and 老琼斯: Superoxide removal and radiation protection in bacteria;
Arch Biochem Biophys 1987; 254: 53-62

Dewald RR, 老琼斯, Schwartz BS: 1, 4, 7, 10 Tetraoxacyclododecane. An aprotic solvent for the alkali metals; JCS Chem Comm 1980: 272-273

Dewald RR, 老琼斯, Schwartz BS: Hydrogen production from the reaction of solvated electrons with benzene in water ammonia mixtures; J Phys Chem 1980; 84: 3272 3273

Activities & 荣誉


  • 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法医学荣誉协会
  • 美国科学促进会
  • 美国心脏病学会
  • 美国心脏协会
  • 国际动脉粥样硬化学会
  • 国际营养遗传学和营养基因组学学会
  • 全国脂质协会
  • 动脉粥样硬化成像与预防学会

推荐十大正规网赌平台评级 & 评论

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on the national CG-CAHPS Medical Practice patient experience survey through Press Ganey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. 评论 are also gathered from our CG-CAHPS Medical Practice Survey through Press Ganey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

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